Our Events

Saint Mary Church Five loves food pantry

Sat. 12:00 AM - Sat. 12:00 AM | Apr. 04 | 2020
2100 west Frontage Road, Palatine, Il

Holy Week streamed service

Wed. 12:00 AM - Sat. 12:00 AM | Apr. 08 | 2020
2100 west frontage road , Palatine, Illinois

Holy Week Schedule

Thu. 12:00 AM - Sat. 12:00 AM | Apr. 09 | 2020
2100 west frontage road, Palatine, Illinois

Liturgy Schedule and Communion Signup sheet

Tue. 12:00 AM - Sun. 12:00 AM | May. 19 | 2020
2100 west frontage road, Palatine, Illinois

Article by Pope Tawadros II-The Motherhood of the Churc.

Sun. 12:00 AM - Fri. 12:00 AM | Jun. 28 | 2020
2100 west frontage road, Palatine, IL60967

Summer Club

Organizer -Father. David Hanna
Mon. 12:00 AM - Fri. 12:00 AM | Jun. 29 | 2020
2100 west frontage Road, Palatine, Illinois

statement from the clergy of our area in response

Fri. 12:00 AM - Mon. 12:00 AM | Jul. 31 | 2020
2100 west frontage road, Palatine, IL 60067

St Mary's Revival

Fri. 7:30 PM - Fri. 9:00 PM | Aug. 07 | 2020
2100 west frontage Road, Palatine, IL 60067

Flu Shot

Wed. 12:00 AM - Sun. 12:00 AM | Sep. 16 | 2020
2100 west frontage road, Palatine, Illinois

Prayer meeting

Thu. 12:00 AM - Sat. 12:00 AM | Oct. 01 | 2020
2100 West Frontage Road, Palatine, Illinois

Liturgies of the Paramoune and Nativity Feast 2021

Wed. 12:00 AM - Thu. 12:00 AM | Dec. 30 | 2020
2100 w frontage road, Palatine, IL 60067

Epiphany Feast

Mon. 7:00 PM - Mon. 11:30 PM | Jan. 18 | 2021
2100 West Frontage Road, Palatine, IL 60067