Our Events

Holy Week Schedule

Event details

Thursday, April 9, 2020 @ 12:00 AM To -Saturday, April 18, 2020 @ 12:00 AM
2100 west frontage road, Palatine, Illinois


During this time of social distancing, we live apart, but in one spirit. We pray from a distance but are not isolated from one another. We are still unified as the one body of Christ.

The church understands that there's no substitution to the face to face services we all got so used to in our lifetime. At the same time the church believes that everyone can still receive a great deal of Grace and blessings while still at home, given the extraordinary circumstances we're all living under.

Thanks to some technologies, our church will be able to get creative to try to stay connected and receive the most blessings. Everyone can receive profound Grace in their hearts through submission to the will of God, repentance, and spiritual zeal to spiritually celebrate these great upcoming events.

Anyone can attend streaming in one of 2 ways:
  1. Watch the Streaming services from YouTube Channel (available at youtube.com, church website, church mobile app)
  2. Participate in the 'Readings' and some individual 'Hymns', from a Zoom meeting.
In order to participate in the readings or solo hymns (arabic or english), please contact:
  • Eng. Hani Youssef (for english services participations)
    Cell: 847-840-3939
    Email: haninabil@gmail.com
Please send them your availability and wait for their instructions. On the day of the service, you'll join the zoom meeting and will be unmuted during your turn to participate in the service.

If you're listening to youtube, you'll hear one church voice coming from the church building as well as from all the congregation homes.

Readers must be prepared with technology (Zoom installation, testing mute/unmute, ...) and with the proper style of reading (reading clearly and in proper pace).

All congregation is invited to participate. Please help Deacon Adel, and Mr. Hani in their not-easy task to arrange for a successful and blessed participation in the services.

May God grant us to come in one spirit and one voice.. and grant us to forgiveness of our sins, and the joy of His Resurrection. Amen!