A Quiet Discussion on Abortion (6) - Special Human Cases

Special cases of abnormal pregnancies, which are naturally very few, are discussed here: 

1- When the mother’s health is not good, especially due to a heart condition, and the pregnancy endangers the life of the mother. This requires a professional medical opinion. We know that the mother has certain responsibilities for her family, husband and other children, though to sacrifice her life for her new child is a great act of love, as the Lord Jesus Christ says, “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.” (Jn. 15:13). The decision to be made under this condition must be made by the whole family together with their priest as a spiritual guide, preferably early in the pregnancy. Medical reports and consultations with specialists must be considered.

The problem begins when the circulatory system of the fetus grows and causes a burden on the heart of the mother. This occurs in the fifth or sixth month of pregnancy, so pregnancy should continue under medical supervision to the sixth/seventh month, at which time delivery by cesarean section should take place if there is a danger to the life of the mother. Life expectancy of the child is great in most cases.

There is a vast difference between delivery by cesarean section and abortion, which uses a sharp instrument (curette) that kills the infant, cutting it to pieces in order to get it out of the womb.  As a doctor, I have seen infants born in the sixth month of pregnancy, and, with medical care, they survived with good health.


2- When the mother is exposed to radiation in early pregnancy or has mistakenly taken dangerous medications, the fetus may be vulnerable to disfigurement and may suffer limitations in life. This may justify abortion with some. However, who could know the future of the child? Moreover, abortion is murder regardless of whether the child is disfigured or with deformity. There is no ethical justification to kill such unborn children. Why should we kill a child that can live with good medical care and under the care of loving parents?!

And if we take the lives of those who are not born yet, why then should we not take the lives of those who are already born and have limitations/deformities?! In that case we would take the life of 5-10% of society, which would be unacceptable.

If the medical reports say that the fetus will die before birth, let us leave them to die in peace. We cannot interfere to kill them by any means.

Therefore we reject abortion under all conditions, even if the infant is disfigured or limited/deformed. It is a cross that carries great blessings.

* Real Story:

In the beginning of my priestly life in Alexandria, I was visiting a family. After reading the Holy Bible and talking for a while about spiritual things, I was about to leave their home, but the mother said, “You should not go until I tell you the story of Mina.” Her son, Mina, was about ten years old at that time and had a sister one year older than him and another sister two years younger. All were sitting with us…

(To be continued)