Happy Marriage

A happy marriage is the longing of every married couple. It is also a great focus of the church as a mother who embraces everyone and always prays that the houses of her children to be houses of prayer, houses of purity, houses of blessing, and houses that are filled with Love, Joy, and peace.

Through the grace of God, I would like to present some ideas and valuable advice to support happiness in all of our homes:

First: from the commandments of the Church in the prayers of the holy Matrimony:

+ The woman was created from the rib of the man to belong to him and submit to him. And for him to love her, be compassionate towards her, and not to neglect her. She also ought to obey him and not to be condescending to him. Both should be in harmony in their mind, love, and sound opinion; neither one should make decisions without the other.

+ Do your utmost for her wellbeing, be compassionate to her and hasten to do that which gladdens her heart.

+ Increase your obedience to him, receive him with joy and cheers, do not frown in his face, and observe all your obligations towards him.

+ You should understand your obligation towards each other and submit to each other. You should be faithful to one another as our teacher Saint Paul said: “The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. And likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does.” (1Cor 7:4)

Second: from the writings of Metropolitan George Khidr:

+ The Christian home endures for ever no matter how the wind blows against it.  In it you hold on to your life companion whom you are wedded to in chastity, honesty and sincerity.  Marriage is a sanctified life between a man and a woman who believe in Jesus, keeping Him in their hearts and in the hearts of their children.

+ Above all, married life is an ascetic one. It is the liberation from selfishness, and obedience to God who calls us to honor whom we live with.

+ Love begins with those who are close us, daily love within the family, including serving, care giving, and the attention to the small details may be harder than loving those who are not as close to us. This is a test for love; therefore, parents must spend long time with their children, because they suffer, psychologically, if they don’t feel that they are loved by their parents.

+ In the Orthodox Church, the goal of marriage is not procreation, which is only a fruit that may or may not come about. If this fruit doesn’t come about, marriage is still whole because of love. If a child results from the marriage, we raise him and grow with him. He grows with our love and care, and we grow through refining his talents, disciplining him in worship and in carrying the mission and completing it after us.

+ In the upbringing of children, it is important that we train them how to see God, teach them the word of God, and to become children of God, meaning to follow Him.

+ A virtuous church community is that which doesn’t say many words, but does great services. It is a community in which others would feel that Christ dwells among us, and that He is living in what we say and do.

+ Prayer causes the barrier of enmity to fall, and inspire you to consider others as your breath… the other person is your other lung.

+ If you are brought up on the word of God, you can use it to raise your children, thus you are saved with them.

Third: From popular proverbs:

+ If you want wisdom, Love you life partner. Take care of her; she will take care of your home.  Feel her pain before she is in pain. She is the mother of your children, if you make her happy, they will be happy, and caring for her is caring for them.  She is a trust in your hand and heart, for you are responsible for her before the great God whom you took a vow in His sanctuary to be her father, brother, and life partner.  

 [Papyrus of a wise Egyptian]

+ If you are in search of wisdom and happiness, love your wife, your partner.  Nurture her and take care of her, for she will take care of your home and look after your children and drench them with her love. Care for her as long as you are alive because she is a gift and a blessing from your Lord who answered your prayers and supplications. Enjoy this blessing because the reverence for this godly gift pleases the Gods.

 [Commandment found on an ancient Egyptian papyrus]

+The greatest thing that you can do to your children is to love their mother.