Delightful teachings (3)

This article will conclude some of the great teachings and spiritual experiences of the Russian Orthodox father, Seraphim of Sarov.

+ In order to accept and perceive the light of Christ in one’s heart, it is necessary to divert oneself from the materialistic things as much as possible. First, by cleansing the soul with repentance and good deeds with true faith in the crucified Christ; then, by closing the physical eyes, it is necessary to immerse the mind in the heart and appeal to the name of our Lord Jesus Christ continually.

+ Whoever fears God, becomes good at what he does because he loves God. But we shouldn’t fear devil at all, he who fears God, overcomes the Satan and Satan is incapable before him.

+ A man doesn’t have the fear of God in his heart unless he renounces all what is worldly, focusing all his senses and mind on the commandment of God and His divine law, and immersing himself in the contemplation of God.

+ Because man has a body and a soul, so he is called to live a life that combines both, contemplation and work. The life of work include: fasting, Chastity, vigil, prostration, and prayer. As to the life of contemplation, it is the rise of the soul towards God, inner vigilance, pure prayer.

+ He who wants a life of contemplation must start with the strife in work, because it is impossible to reach the life of contemplation without first going through the life of work.

+ A life of contemplation is helpful in being purified from the sinful lusts, because only the pure will be qualified into a life of contemplation.

+ Beware of forsaking the life of work, even after you cross through it to the life of contemplation. The life of work is a source for the life of contemplation and it helps elevating it.

+ The body is a servant of the spirit, and the spirit is the queen. When illness weakens the body, it is a sign of the mercy of God, for illness weakens lust, and then the person returns back to see the reality of his own self.

+ You should treat your neighbor with all kindness and gentleness and respect his feelings in every possible way.

+ A troubled and lost person needs a word from us with true affection that retrieves hope and confidence to him.

+ He who deals with the pain and sorrow of the people must be kind in his words, pure in his spirit, and impartial towards everyone.

+ Why do we judge others? It is because we do not try to know ourselves… A person who is busy trying to know himself, does not have time to see the shortfalls of others. Condemn yourself so that you stop condemning others.

+ Beware of revenge towards those who trespass against you, no matter what the reasons might be. But rather forgive from all you heart whoever does harm to you even when your heart complains.

+ We must not unnecessarily reveal what’s in our hearts to others.

+ Man needs great patience in order to acquire the gift of prayer.

+ Prayer, fasting, vigil, and all Christian rites, although they are actually beneficial in themselves, they are not the goal of our Christian life. Rather, they are merely some means to help us reach the goal. The aspiration of the Christian life is to acquire the Holy Spirit.

+ As the goal of trade is to achieve as much profit as possible, likewise it is necessary that the goal of the Christian life not to be limited only to the practice of prayer and good deeds, but also to acquire all kinds of virtues.

+ It is impossible for Satan to overcome or destroy a man who does not cease calling for help from the Mother of God.

The Lord Jesus Christ who gave us, through His salvation and the sacraments of His glorious church, to be members of His pure body, sons of the heavenly Father, and temples of the Holy Spirit, is able to confirm these delightful teachings in our hearts. And continuously opens our minds in order to understand and to be enlightened with spiritual knowledge. Thus, our will would be strengthened to complete the path of our salvation to the end.