Humility (1)

Since we are in the journey of lent, I would like to talk about an important virtue, rather it is the virtue that encompasses all virtues, the virtue of humility.  The church fathers said that it is the fertile ground in which all other virtues can grow, and without it none will grow. Indeed, humility is a virtue-bearing ground.

St.  Longinus said that fasting humbles the body. Therefore, we can set a goal for ourselves during this journey of fasting to acquire the grace of humility. Fasting with prayers, Metanoias, readings, and meekness in liturgies may help to pour this spirit of humility in our hearts.

 * What is humility?

+ When someone sees him/herself larger than who they are, it is pride, and when they see themselves less than who they are, it is low self esteem. Nonetheless, when man sees himself as who he really is, that is humility.

By saying “who he really is” I mean that man should know that he is from dust and that he is weak. In the same time he is a wonderful creature made in the image of God and that he is gifted with great capabilities from God. Thus he should thank God and gives credit to Him and should not take pride except in God, as St Paul talks about the grace of God that fills him:  But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us” (2Cor 4:7). In other words, humility means that one ought to realize that without God he is nothing, but by uniting with God he can do everything.

+ Humility is the virtue because of which God looked upon Virgin Mary and choose her to become the Mother of God and the queen of the heavenly and earthly, For He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant;” (Luke 1). And it was humility that preserved her heart all the days of her life, despite the great honor which was bestowed upon her.

+ Our calling as Christians is to model ourselves after the  image of Christ, our Lord who is meek and humble at heart, “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, ” (Matthew 11). This is the yoke of Christ:  The yoke of humility. Meaning that carrying the cross of humility distinguishes us as the children of God.

* How do we come near humility?

First: We must be devoted to humility because it fills us with the grace of God.  As St. Isaac the Syrian said: “Good deeds and humility make man become like a god on earth.”

Second: Humility is a gift and grace from God, we must ask for it with importunity.

Third: If we ask for the grace of humility, God will give us some suffering, disgrace and injustice such that our souls are humbled. So we need not to be worried, but rather accept everything that comes upon us with content thanksgiving.

Fourth: When we start attaining the grace of humility in our souls, we feel that we are nothing, and that God is everything in our lives.  Then, our hearts will be filled with the peace of the divine presence which is beyond description.

We will continue our discussion next article by the grace of Christ,