Quotes on Chastity

In this article, I would like to present some of the quotes of the Church fathers on chastity. This is the fruit of their experience and strife towards Holiness, without which no one will see the Lord (Hebrews 12:14). Thus we are encouraged to walk like them in the path of holiness.

+ Beware of the defilement for it separates man from God.

+ Be circumspect about the purity of your body and the peace of your heart. 

[St Ephram the Syrian]

+ If adultery appeals to you, kill it through humility, and turn to God to be comforted. If you are fought by the beauty of the body, remember how it rots after death so you become consoled. 

[Saint Moses the Black]

+ Keep yourself away from seeing and listening to what does not benefit, so you can abandon doing what does not benefit.

[St. Basil]

+ Control your eyes such that you don’t seek the earthly and become a stranger to the heavenly.

[An elder]

+ If you see a man who is humble at heart and pure, do not seek any scene better than this.

+ If you cherish pure people, they become your friends, and together with them you will reach the city of God that is filled with light.

[St. Pachomius]

+ I put my feet on the top of this world when I was not afraid of or desire anything.

[St. Augustine]

+ As you swat a pest, scold the daemon of impurity.

[An elder]

+ There is no better remedy to counter impure thoughts, than the meditating upon the passion of my Lord Jesus Christ and His death.

[St. Augustine]

+ He who fights impurity and doesn’t control his stomach [from gluttony], is like a man who puts out burning fire using oil and hay. And he who fights impure thoughts only with fasting and without humility, is like a man who swims in the ocean with one arm.

[St. John Climacus]

+ Immerse yourself in reading the holy books; it will help you to get rid of impure thoughts.

[St. Anthony]

+ Lust does not overcome because it is more powerful than us, but rather because of us being deficient and lax. It doesn’t dare to fight you until your will allows it to.

[St. Feloxinous]

+Four things keep young people from impure thoughts: Reading the Scriptures, putting out laziness, standing up at night for prayers, and to be always adorned with humility.

[Saint Moses the Black]

+ The Eye desires to behold things… And the children of God have appealing scenes to behold and to satisfy their eyes: The cross, the passion, the nails, the open arms, and the head bowing down. These are all pleasing scenes and we ought to train our eyes to behold them, enjoy them, and be filled with them…They are pleasing and fulfilling.

[Father Bishoy Kamel]

The Lord is able to support us with His grace and guard the days of our sojourn with purity to the last breath.