Words about Humility

- As God emptied himself to become the Son of Man, likewise man ought to empty himself to become a son of God.

- The setout point of all stages of spiritual life, which are: Repentance, liberation from desires, having no passion, enlightenment and the unity with God, is humility.

- Let’s be humble so the Lord makes us taste the power of Jesus Prayer (Arrow Prayer) and the Holy Spirit edifies our souls.

- Humility is the light that reveals God to us.

- The humble soul is a garden of flowers, amidst it is a beautiful house where God resides.

- If I am asked which grace do I hope from God, my answer would be the spirit of humility, which pleases God above all things.

- It is not difficult to mortify the body by fasting, but it is exceedingly difficult to maintain humility continuously.

- Whoever reaches the pinnacle of humility, obtains the grace of God, prays for his enemies as he does for himself, and prays for the whole world with fervent tears.

- God granted freedom to man, but through humility He draws man to His love.

- The Lord loves us, however He sends us suffering so we recognize our inability and hence be humbled. Whoever suffers from poverty or sickness but doesn’t endure his suffering in humility, then his suffering in vain, but the humble always rejoices because God is his richness and joy.

- Whoever loses humility will lose the grace of God and His love, and his prayers become lukewarm.

- A humble soul that is tempted, thanks God for his grace without ceasing. 

- Nothing is greater than reaching the humility of Christ. The humble lives like a blind person yet happy, everything is pleasant in his heart.

- Only the humble see the Lord through the Spirit of God.

- We should guard ourselves against vanity and pride; otherwise, we lose grace.

- The soul of the humble is like a great ocean, if someone throws a stone in it, it disturbs the surface for a short while and then sinks in the bottom. Thus, any tribulation sinks in the heart of the humble because the power of God is within him.

- The Lord does not manifest Himself to haughty, but rather He hides His face away from him, even if he knows everything in the world.

- The arrogant heart has no place for the blessing of the Holy Spirit.

- This who live in humility, obedience, and chastity reach the kingdom of heaven.

- Sustaining a relationship with God requires being like Him. Therefore, we ought to be humble and simple like children.

- Blessed is he who adores humility and tears, and hates evil thoughts.

- He who humbles himself keeps evil spirits away from him, and other people who ask for his prayers.

- Without obedience, humility and love, all our asceticism is worthless. As though our works resemble a man who tries to fill up a bottomless pail, his soul will always remain empty.

- He who is humble defeats his enemies.

- Obedience safeguards man from pride.

- If you reach the ultimate humility, you reach perfect peace.

- God manifest Himself only to the lowly heart, and reveals all His works to the humble soul.

- Let us humble ourselves in order to see the glory of God, even in this world, because the Lord reveals Himself to the humble through the Holy Spirit.

- If the soul tastes the sweetness of the divine love, it would be completely humbled as though it was born a new.

- If a cloud blocks the Son, its shadow would be cast on earth. Accordingly, if the soul loses grace because of a single thought of pride, it would be gravely clouded. However, grace comes back by a thought of humility.

- Let us be firm in the prayers that are free of any imaginations, and ask the Lord for the spirit of humility.

- If the Lord sees a soul faltering in humility, He removes His grace from it. So don’t be weakened in casting away pride. Grace dwells in you even in a hidden way, then quickly expel evil thoughts. If you fail in doing so, repent and strive in acquiring the habit.

- All you saints, pray for me so Christ puts on me the garment of humility, which I always seek, but unable to reach. Therefore, I seek it in tears as a little child seeking his mother.

- O humility of Christ, yes I have known you, yet I can’t reach you (without grace)! Your fruits are sweet and delicious, they are not of this world.

- The Lord came to earth to grant us the fire of His grace through the Holy Spirit. The humble has this fire, and the Lord grants him this grace.

[These are excerpts of the words of the Orthodox monk Silouan of Athos (1866-1938 AD) from his book “The unseen warfare”, published by Al-Nour  publications in Lebanon].