The strong, Saint Moses the Black (2)

In this article, we continue presenting some of the sayings and spiritual experiences of the strong martyr, Saint Moses the black.

+ Like a house without door or a lock, everyone treads it, so is the man who doesn’t control his tongue.

+ Like the rust that eats iron, so is the praise of men, it corrupts the heart if it likes it.

+ As termites do to wood, so is vice to the soul.

+ Humility of the heart precedes all virtues, and gluttony is the source of all pains.

+ Arrogance is the root of all evil, and love is the source of all goodness.

+ The worst vice is when a man acclaims himself.

+ He who denies himself lives in peace.

+ Whoever thinks that he is without a flaw, does indeed harbors all kinds of flaws within him.

+ Whoever takes lightly the chastity of his body will be ashamed in his prayer.

+ Cherishing hard work is a great help, and the source of destruction is laziness.

+ Guard your eyes so that your heart is not filled with ghostly images, he who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her.

+ He who remembers his sins and confesses them does not sin often, but he who does not remember his sins and does not confesse them will perish by them.

+ He who admits his weakness rebuking himself before God, cares about rectifying his path from sin. He who procrastinates saying “Do it later” becomes a harbor for malice and trickery.

+ Don’t be hard of heart towards your brother, as we all may be overcome by evil thoughts.

+ If you live with brothers [anyone], don’t give them orders but toil with them so you don’t miss on your rewards.

+ If adultery appeals to you, kill it with humility, and take refuge in God so you find comfort.

+ If you are tempted with the beauty of the flesh, remember that it will be rotten after death, this will console you.

+ Any man who eats and drinks without control and loves the vanity of this world is far away from Godliness, and is deceiving himself.

+ Seek the fear God with all your strength for it removes all sins and casts away all wickedness.

+ Do not seek rest as long as you are in this world.

+ If you find yourself often at rest, without temptations, don’t trust the flesh because lust stirs up abruptly and deceivingly. Therefore, our Lord warns us saying: “Watch.”

+ These four must be attain:  Compassion, overcoming anger, long suffering, and heeding forgetfulness.

+ The mind needs these four virtues at all times: Continuous prayer with a prostrating heart, overcoming evil thoughts, considering your sins, and not judging anyone.

+ These four virtues are aid to the youth: Reading and reciting the commandments of God every hour,  being vigilant all the time, fervency in prayer, and being always adorned with humility.

+ These four are attained with difficulty: Tears [of repentance], contemplating in one’s sins, keeping death before our eyes, and in everything we say: Forgive me for I have sinned.

+ Dear beloved, as long as you have a chance to repent, return and offer to Christ a sincere repentance. Hasten before the door is shut and you weep in bitter tears. Hasten and intend on repenting for Christ wants the salvation of all people and their coming to know the truth. He is waiting for you and will accept you, to Him is the glory forever, Amen.

May the prayers of the repenting saint, Abba Moses the Black be with us, Amen.