God is Trinity (1)

The Trinity is not a philosophical concept or a mere religious theory about God, but it is a fact revealed by God himself to mankind in the Holy Scriptures. Therefore, He commanded that anyone who wants to join the divine family and become one of the children of God, he must be baptized and borne again at the name of the Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19).

+ God is a self-existent being, speaking His Word, living with His Spirit. He is Father, Son begotten before all ages, and a Holy Spirit who proceeds from the father before all ages as well.

That is to say, God is a Speaking Living Being, this is the Trinity. God is one in His essence in three Persons [Hypostases].

+ God is love (1 John 4) and the circle of divine love is consists of: The loving Father, the beloved Son, and the Holy Spirit who is the overflowing love that proceeds from the Father and rests in the Son.


Important Definitions:

Father means origin or source or fountain.

Hypostasis: Means Person, the substance or essential nature of an individual.

God is three Persons [Hypostases] in one essence. He has the characteristic of being the source of all existence, the characteristic of reason, and the characteristic of life.

+ His essence as one God has three distinct Persons [Hypostases]. The distinction of the three Persons [Hypostases] does not by no means divide the essence of God. There is not three Gods, but one divine essence (Osia) in three Persons [Hypostases] who are all consubstantial and existing before ages.

+ The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are true Persons [Hypostases] and not merely roles that are played by God at different times or in different ages.

+ The Son has His divine nature or divine essence because He is begotten of the Father before all ages, while the Holy Spirit has His divine nature or divine essence by proceeding from the Father before all ages. Thus the Father gives the Son and the Holy Spirit the same divine nature or divine essence.

 Therefore, the Church describes this fact using the phrase “Same essence” [homoousios]. This is the phrase that Saint Athanasius the Apostolic strived to assert in the mind of the believers in the 4th century.

+ All three Persons [Hypostases] are perfect in their divine essence, for God is not divided into three parts. The divine essence is one, simple, and undivided and not compound, being   compound is the root of division. We believe

 That the. Hypostases are neither compound nor do they mingle. Rather, they are united in one essence and have one will, one act, one power, and one authority.

+ Therefore, each Person [Hypostasis] is complete and perfect in His divine nature. It is erroneous to think that They are of one perfect nature that is compounded of three incomplete Persons.

 + The mystery of the Trinity surpasses all understanding but the mind can accept it. Like any invention, we accept it and use it in our daily lives even though we don’t fully understand it’s underlying theory of operation and it’s complex details.

+ Christian Trinity is not the same as the ancient Egyptian Trinity or the Trinity that the Quran points to. The Son is begotten of the Father not in a physical carnal manner but in a spiritual and divine one and the three Persons [Hypostases] are not separated. In a sense 1x1x1=1 not 1+1+1=3.

+ Some resemblances that simplify the concept of the Trinity to the Mind:

Man: Existent, utters his mind, living by his spirit.

Sun: Flaming star, light emanates from it, and Heat radiates [Proceeds] from it.

Fire: Flame, light shines from it, and Heat radiates {Proceeds] from it.

God willing, we will continue next article.