Small Things Make a Difference

There are small things in our life that we may disregard, but make a huge difference in our life if we were more attentive. They’re simple matters, but the effects are worth noting.

As an example, let’s take the miracle of feeding the multitude.

+ A boy who no one paid attention to, but he was a big blessing for thousands of people.

+ A small quantity of food isn’t enough to feed three people, when it is in the hands of Christ, it feeds thousands so much so that there were leftovers.

+ The simple act of sitting everyone down in groups of fifty made it possible for all to enjoy God's blessing in the hands of the disciples.

+ Small fragments on the ground were a source of food for the disciples for days. No one would have expected that.

As such, there are little things in our lives that, if we were more aware of, would be a big blessing to us. It could also be a loss for us.

There are sins that look small, but they’re deadly. They are like the little foxes that ruin the vineyards. Like a small hole in the ship that could sink it. Like a drop of ink in a clear cup of water that makes it unsanitary. These sins could be the things we don’t give a second thought about, like greed, envy, boastfulness or not tithing.

A lot of times we may be void of blessings because of sins we see as small.

Similarly, there are simple things that, when we incorporate them into our lives, make a big difference, like:

+ Being diligent about praying before we leave our homes in the morning, will make a big difference in our day. St. Augustine says, “whoever prays in a good manner will have a good day.”

+ Reading the Bible for fifteen minutes - at least - every day. Contemplating on listening to God’s voice and discovering His love for us will make a huge difference in our lives. In the short-term and long-term.

+ Listening to a sermon daily, or a simple contemplation makes a difference.

+ Reading, “a word of advice” everyday will improve our life.

+ Being careful in choosing what words we use to convey what we want to say.

+ Expressing a kind word in a loving manner, showing appreciation, encouraging others, being a source of quelling, and being an inviting, welcoming person. All these make a material difference.

+ A small act of kindness, helping out around the church, a service we do that we keep confidential to a person in need, all these things make a difference. They grow the spirit of giving that’s inside us and moves the love of God within our heart. It spreads inclusiveness inside the church.

If Christ teaches us that anyone who provides a cup of cold water will not lose their reward, so we must believe that a small act of kindness will make a big difference, no matter how small.