The Divinity of Christ

The divinity of Christ is the cornerstone in the Christian faith and is the foundation for the salvation of God’s children. Christ is God manifested in the flesh or, according to the expression of the Bible, "God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself" (2 Cor. 5: 19). The redemption was not to take place without God Himself. He provided the unlimited ransom and forgiveness for all human sins... If Christ was not full in His divinity and of the same essence as the Father, then He would not be able to reconcile us with the Father and the sacrifice of His cross would not be able to forgive our sins or to save us from eternal death.

Therefore, throughout the ages, the devil has been attempting to challenge the divinity of Christ using all means to demolish our faith. In the early centuries, some heretics, such as Paul of Samosata and Arius and his followers, made desperate attempts to deny the divinity of Christ. Unfortunately, even in our current era, there are those who adopt such misleading doctrines (i.e. Jehovah’s Witness).

We believe that Christ is one person of two natures: full divinity and full humanity in complete unity. When we assert His full divinity, we mean that He has the same essence with the Father, that He is eternal and everlasting, and that He was not created but begotten from the Father before all ages.

This is what we always say in the Creed of faith: “We believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages; light of light, true God of true God, begotten not created, of one essence with the Father, by whom all things were made…” The phrase “of one essence with the Father” means that our Lord Jesus Christ is of the same essence of the Father.

It is very important for us as Christians to study and understand how the Holy Bible reveals the divinity of Christ. This is why we shall start together a wonderful simple and quick journey in the light of biblical verses and incidents to fully realize that:

Christ is God perfect in His divinity as He is perfect in His humanity.

We shall study the matter from two perspectives: First, Christ has all the full divine characteristics;  secondly, we shall review a number of clear verses from various books of the Bible that confirm the divinity of Christ..

(To be continued)